• 24. Processing Shame

    Q. How do I process the emotion of shame? My health conditions have meant that I have not been able to financially provide for myself which I feel shame about. I know there are things I can do to try and bring money in, but I also have the feeling of shame that I will…

  • 21. Eating, Advice and Boy Bands

    Q. What advice do you have for my fifteen year old granddaughter. Suddenly she has decided not to eat anymore. Her parents and friends are besides themselves with worry, even softball team. I’m scared she will become anorexic. She has a few mental health problems plus she’s a very angry girl. I think it’s because…

  • 16. What Makes You Strong?

    Q. What makes you strong? How do you keep finding the will to fight? It’s hard enough for people who aren’t in your situation (who suffer mental illness), so how do you sit there with your own thoughts like that? What gets you through besides writing? You are so strong and brave but how the hell do…

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