• 15. My Son’s Tummy

    Q. My youngest son was born premature on the 29th Nov last year and at 6wks the hospital gave him his vaccinations (one being a live oral to prevent gastro). Anyways, the morning after his shots he woke up with a thing called necrotizing enterocolitis or N.E.C for short and had to have parts of…

  • 13. Crippled By Pain

    Q. As a chronic back pain warrior of 12 years (since car crash & major surgery) I’ve exhausted all avenues with my health provider (NHS). I’m currently on a lot of meds with shitty side effects. My question: Should I just accept I’ll be in pain for life or keep searching for freedom ‘outside the…

  • 7. Breast Cancer Advocacy

    Q: How do I keep my boobies from being misappropriated by the media when I’m trying to advocate for breast cancer? A: So straight up I’ll say good on you for being an advocate for such an important cause, and I’m not sure if you have BC or not, but if you do and are…

  • 6. Dealing with Mystery Illness

    Q: I am dealing with a mystery illness that no-one (myself included) knows how to cure. How do I cope with this?  A: Excellent question and thank you (as this is a response that I probably need to hear right now), but first can I just say that I empathise with your circumstance. Illness sucks in…

  • 3. Losing a Friend

    Q: My best friend died two weeks into the pandemic in Apiril and I just can’t seem to move past it. He was my only real friend and apart from work and girls or family we spent most days of the last decade hanging out. I now find myself stuck in my filthy room isolated…

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