Adversity Is Only The Beginning


Waddup! So, after twenty years of chronic disability a lot of people have helped me on my path. From doctors to friends, from counsellors to support staff, everyone has been so kind. And honestly, it’s not like I feel indebted, I mean much of the help I’ve received there hasn’t been much choice in the matter, still I’ve always wanted to give back to the world in some way. Pay it forward as they say. And as such, here we find ourselves.


This is something I’ve studied for almost a decade now, in fact, I’ve even been part of a fancy school where I’ve received flashy certificates and everything. This school has been such a blessing in my life. Nevertheless, because of my disability and inability to talk, I’ve never found a way to put all these “self-help” skills into action. Like I’d loved to have started a coaching practice years ago only my health seemingly got in the way. Anyhow, budda bing, I’m spewing it took me so long to come up with this extravaganza.


Sometimes you meet people who you know where meant to do certain things (like can you imagine Michael Jordan the gardener?), well this is how I feel about the advice column. I’m a writer, I have an unbelievable amount of varied lived experience (mostly with hardship), and I’m incredibly curious about life, it’s rhythms, and how people perceive the world. Also, I absolutely love to help people, to build others up. Because this is a one-time gig, so nope we don’t need stuff weighing us down, instead what we all need is the chutzpah and confidence to follow our dreams. Yep, some advice for ya, this is the big show.

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