33. Intuition

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I’m an intuitive person but really trust my inner voice relying mostly on logic.  Although in hindsight I see that my inner voice was correct. What are your thoughts about intuition?  Is it an illusion or something worth paying more attention to? 


Awesome, a woo woo question, thanks so much. This is stuff that I love thinking about, stuff that I personally wish I’d pay more attention to, so you might say that listening to my intuition is something that I’m working on. I just have moments where I totally ignore what my body is telling me – stupid, haha. But I guess at this point in time (to me), I am fairly in tune with interpersonal type intuition (and business even), which I’ll generally follow my gut very quickly. I love making fast decisions, flying from the seat of my pants.

Anyhow, I find it interesting how you say “but” your inner-voice relies mostly on logic, I mean I’m not quite sure if you’re implying that this is a bad thing or not, like what I’d be thinking is that this is an excellent thing. Being logical and not relying so much on emotionally charged decision-making, I’d say this is a blessing. It’ll create consistency and all that.

Then kinda reading in-between your first few words even more, is it like you want your intuition to be erratic or inconsistent? Even to have an inner-voice that plucks golden nuggets out of thin air? So, maybe it might be a good idea to think about what you expect from your intuition? Like, I believe that listening to intuition, this is one of the tools we can use to help navigate life’s path.

Further, personally, with either intuition or not, I believe that life is about taking consistent actions which lead to better fortunes. And intuition, it helps to guide you toward these better fortunes (and keep you safe). Now, this is a slightly brash generalisation, still I think there is merit to it.

So, keeping this in mind, I do believe that intuition is worth paying more attention to (for many of us). It’s yet another tool to help us live our best lives and with authenticity. Again, I know I’m focusing a lot of my beliefs here, so again I believe that intuition is very much life a deeper part of yourself (spirit, soul, call it whatever you like) talking to yourself. Which, I can’t see this as being a disadvantage, rather I feel like this is very important to integrate into our everyday lives.

Hope this helps.

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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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