28. Career Change

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I’m at a point in my life when I’m really craving a career change. I just have no idea where to start with working out what that might look like. I know I would love to be doing something with more flexible hours that allows me a bit more of a work/life balance, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Any ideas how I should go about discovering my passion?”


YOLO – so your awareness that you need a change is excellent, and just as a random point, I do believe this career change thing is very common these days. As weird as it sounds to say, I think this is because people have realised that a job can and should be about more than just making money. I mean, our employment takes up a lot of our time and lives, so wherever possible, I do think that it’s important to do something that we enjoy and brings us meaning.

Now, I’d say that there’s a few ways to approach this, but first please keep in mind that the world is not a wish granting factory and that menial jobs need to be done. Also, a job doesn’t define you hey. Then… a job has to be available to be considered, so there’s the timing thing too (or fate?). Yeah, I thought I’d chuck in some reality.

Still, to get into it now, rather than interests being the main consideration here I’d say you should think about your character. Likes, dislikes, can you handle being around people or do you simply despise numbers? So, what is workable? Plus, what are your skills and in what areas can you provide value? It’s probably best to be very honest with yourself here, no porky pies. OMG, I can’t believe I just wrote that.

Okay next… so this is where you could start thinking about your interests, yet again I wouldn’t go all-in on this. Try to keep it as general as possible. Sorta if you like helping people and contribution, this means you could consider charity work or even sales in specific areas. Or, if you like travel and adventure… well I’m sure you get it. And even if your priority is making ends meat, it is totally alright to get a job in a supermarket too. But I guess what I’m saying, consider your preferences, boundaries and even intentions. Really try to break this down into bite-sized chunks in order to gain the clearest picture possible.

One other technique you could consider (in gaining this clear picture), maybe find people who have the lifestyle you want, and so what are they doing? There are so many different ways to explore here, plus there’s an enormous library of resources available too. Go to trade shows, explore job seeking websites,  even old university guides, Google away until your heart is content. Find that gem of inspiration, find that string and pull on it. Be excited by what you might unearth.

Another thing to consider, is it a professional job that appeals to you or even a high-skilled niche type of thing? Because if this is the case it’s more than likely that you’ll require some relevant education and/or experience. Which maybe or maybe not, you might have something that you can adapt, but again I’d urge you to be realistic. Actually, this also brings up the question of how invested are you? Like if you really wanted to be a nurse, you could probably do it – only it will likely take your commitment to a three year degree.

Which, hooray I’ve finally got here, how do you discover your “work” passion? Well, I’d say you need four ingredients: curiosity, exploration, action and commitment. And if you could apply these in the areas I’ve listed above, this should making a good start to discovering what ventures you heart desires. Note, I believe it’s worth highlighting this journey of discovery – try, fail, get up, repeat. As in, I couldn’t possibly even begin to tell you how to find your passion (conclusively) we are all so different and also have differing triggers. But what I will say is to try stuff and explore (and walk as lightly as you can with a smile), this way you’ll not only be happier within the process but be more receptive to new ideas. The universe (and this probably applies within the job market) tends to be kinder to those who are happy and enthusiastic.

Good luck with it all, yo. Hope this helps.

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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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