7. Breast Cancer Advocacy


How do I keep my boobies from being misappropriated by the media when I’m trying to advocate for breast cancer?


So straight up I’ll say good on you for being an advocate for such an important cause, and I’m not sure if you have BC or not, but if you do and are sharing your ‘adversity’ journey (which by your question I’m kinda assuming you are) good freakin on you. Total power to you. I believe the world needs more of these ‘real’ stories out there, not the fabricated ones like we often see on social media these days, especially if you’re talking from a place of personal experiences (telling truths and not over-whinging). This is how empathy and understanding sprouts.

But now to hone into the actual dilemma your question poses, again, I think there has to be two parts to my answer. So, firstly I believe the media (in its many forms) is quite gracious and positive when reporting about issues such as breast cancer, however, sure a minority may be ‘misappropriating your boobies’. And it’s this minority (branch of the media) that we’re really talking about here, so I’ll dive into that.

Alright, so I believe this ‘guilty party’ is braches of the media that focus more on entertainment rather than real news, which, a lot of the time this is because your attention means dollars for them. And consequently this had led to the ‘click bait’ revolution, even the ‘fake news’ pandemic, and hey really it’s all been brought about by greed and self-interest.

And how do you stop it, well in its entirety probably you can’t. All you can do is not give power to I, because in reality when you feed a beast it grows. And if enough people look away (eg. toward real news), these companies will always follow the profits. Hence, a communal shift in ‘attention’ is all that will change scheduling and ‘misappropriation’ (even though, no matter, you’ll always find loose units). Gees I’m rambling – welcome back!!

Nevertheless, this leads to the second part of my answers, it kinda comes down to elevating the communal consciousness. For people’s attention to be on the real stuff, plus, hopefully through this they’ll have higher moral standards. Hence, if you are being ‘misappropriated’, a community will be there behind you to fight back (ie. A good example here is the transformation of ‘gay bashing’). So sadly, I don’t this is something you can do alone, yet you can play a big part in working toward an uprising of consciousness.

Keep telling your story. Be brave. Educate others.


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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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