11. Dating Multiple People

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I’m in love with two men who both return my love. Why cannot society recognise that it’s possible to love more than one person, and make adjustments for that kind of love?


As the LBGTQ movement has highlighted over many decades now, love is love. Actually, a few years back there was a referendum here in Australia on marriage equality (as there was in several pockets around the world) and this was my favourite part of the campaigns surrounding it. Love is love is such a powerful sentiment, and hey if the world needs anything it’s definitely more love.

Anyways to now address your question directly, damn damn damn yo, to find two ‘true loves’ you are an extremely lucky person. For most people finding one is hard enough, or for some people like myself it can be a near on impossibility. So, I think you need to be unbelievably grateful for your circumstance, cherish it, and from a personal viewpoint I reckon you should hang on to that shit with three arms.

Love is everything, well almost everything.

Okay that’s enough spare change, haha totally unnecessary.

Still, now to get into the society stuff, well on a theoretical level society could (or should?) recognise this kind of love; however the establishment is unbelievably conservative. I mean you just have to look at the debate still surrounding abortion, or to use my prior example, the battles that went along with marriage equality. And sadly where your conundrum sits, polygamy is still very much a taboo. And to go even further with that, for society to make a legislative change (or even societal change) there needs to be some sort of uprising or movement. Again, think of the uprising with gay rights over the past decades.

So short of converting the conservative Christian housewife, sorry, but I’d say you’re shit out of luck here – especially in terms of mass acceptance or recognition. More so, I think you should be more focused on acceptance [of this lifestyle choice] amongst your family and friends, because at the end of the day these are the people that matter. And look, if this isn’t enough for you, heck then start your own awareness campaign and uprising. Because, the only way society will wholeheartedly recognise this kind of love is through education and understanding.

Hrmm… I really need to work out some sort of monika to sign off with!??

Have a good day x

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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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